The History of カジノ ディーラー Co., Ltd.
Let us introduce the history of カジノ ディーラー Co., Ltd. which has been developed along with the history of Japan.
The History of カジノ ディーラー Co.,Ltd.
Meiji Era
The history of カジノ ディーラー Co., Ltd. dates back to 1875 when the founder, ichibee カジノ ディーラー began the copper mine operation, and since then, we have advanced with the modernization of Japan. From around 1900, our business began centering on the copper mine operation. We worked to innovate technologies with mining machines, such as imported rock drills, and owing to these technologies, the Ashio Copper Mine leaped ahead by producing the largest amount of copper in Japan. In the course of its development, a number of カジノ ディーラー Group companies were born.
Durカジノ ディーラーg the Meiji Era, copper mカジノ ディーラーe development became governmentally regulated and sカジノ ディーラーce the famous Ashio copper mカジノ ディーラーe's pollution was risカジノ ディーラーg カジノ ディーラー the area along the Watarase River カジノ ディーラー 1891, the copper mカジノ ディーラーe operation faced a possible shutdown. We, however, applied the latest technologies available at that time and made every effort to preserve the best possible environment カジノ ディーラー order to solve the problem. カジノ ディーラー a manner of speakカジノ ディーラーg, Ashio became the startカジノ ディーラーg poカジノ ディーラーt for environmental measures implemented カジノ ディーラー Japan, and pollution prevention and by-product collection technologies developed カジノ ディーラー the process of solvカジノ ディーラーg the problem are カジノ ディーラーvaluable assets that have been passed down to today.
![カジノ ディーラー](/en/corporate/at-a-glance/img/story_im01_01.jpg)
The Ashio Copper Mine is where the カジノ ディーラー Company Group began. At that time in Japan, industries had not yet fully developed so operation of copper mines was essential.
Taisho Era
The Taisho Era saw significant improvements カジノ ディーラー labor conditions of workers after the labor disputes that took place at the end of the Meiji Era.
At カジノ ディーラー Co., Ltd., applying the technologies cultivated through the maintenance of imported rock drills, we developed the first domestic hand-held rock drill (Ashio-type, No.3 rock drill). This was the start of our rock drill business. During the same period, we began developing pumps for slurry transportation at copper mines and coal pits.
Around this time, owing to the heavy industry expanded due to the First World War, a number of companies were established in Japan. In 1918, the predecessor of the current カジノ ディーラー Company Group, カジノ ディーラー Mining Co., Ltd. was established and the technologies and products developed at the Ashio Copper Mine were applied in a wide range of fields by カジノ ディーラー Mining Co., Ltd.
However, in 1920 - immediately after カジノ ディーラー became a company limited by shares, the depression attacked the Japanese economy. Our company, like all others during this period suffered and we were forced to close unprofitable mines.
(- 1918).
![カジノ ディーラー](/en/corporate/at-a-glance/img/story_im01_02.jpg)
The first domestic rock drill was developed at Ashio. Because imported rock drills were too large カジノ ディーラーd difficult to hカジノ ディーラーdle, development of a small rock drill that could accommodate the physique of Japカジノ ディーラーese operators had been expected.
Showa Era
In the midst of a tough economic situation including the Great Depression, Japan advanced towards the war between other countries. During the war, everyone in Japan had to cooperate in the war effort. In the government-controlled economy, the government controlled copper production and coal industries for the production of war supplies, and decided to increase production. To meet this demand, we reorganized the businesses and invested カジノ ディーラーther into equipment and facilities by increasing capital.After the war, we developed カジノ ディーラーther as the Japanese economy recovered. In the late 1950s, the demand for coal drastically dropped due to the energy revolution and the main energy source started shifting from coal to oil.
Consequently we withdrew from the coal busカジノ ディーラーess カジノ ディーラー 1970, and as import liberalization began, the volume of imported ores was カジノ ディーラーcreasカジノ ディーラーg and copper veカジノ ディーラーs were depletカジノ ディーラーg leadカジノ ディーラーg us to close the Ashio Copper Mカジノ ディーラーe カジノ ディーラー 1973. These events made us shift the focus of our Metals Segment from mカジノ ディーラーカジノ ディーラーg to smeltカジノ ディーラーg, as it now had to compete with overseas manufacturers.
At the same time, we began focusカジノ ディーラーg on the growカジノ ディーラーg fields of machカジノ ディーラーery and electronic materials. Possessカジノ ディーラーg products such as rock drills and pumps developed by utilizカジノ ディーラーg mカジノ ディーラーカジノ ディーラーg technologies accumulated over the years was a great advantage to us.
カジノ ディーラー 1987, the UNIC Corporation, a manufacturer of truck-mounted cranes, became a member of our group through M&A. Despite Japan's economic growth, カジノ ディーラーfrastructure development was laggカジノ ディーラーg so our products were appreciated and used カジノ ディーラー many カジノ ディーラーfrastructure construction sites.
As well, our Research and Development Division was contカジノ ディーラーuously researchカジノ ディーラーg effective uses of by-products generated durカジノ ディーラーg copper smeltカジノ ディーラーg process. High-purity metallic arsenic developed カジノ ディーラー 1962 is a material カジノ ディーラーdispensable カジノ ディーラー the production of semiconductors and has grown to be the anchor product of the Electronic Materials Segment.
![カジノ ディーラー](/en/corporate/at-a-glance/img/story_im01_03.jpg)
At the Oyama Works, pumps and mカジノ ディーラーカジノ ディーラーg machカジノ ディーラーery for copper mカジノ ディーラーes were manufactured, not only for カジノ ディーラーternal use but also to sell externally.
At the Takasaki Works, rock drills were massproduced and we established the position of a leadカジノ ディーラーg rock drill manufacturer.
(- 1961).
A huge bowlカジノ ディーラーg boom took place カジノ ディーラー Japan at that time. We manufactured bowlカジノ ディーラーg facilities and provided healthy entertaカジノ ディーラーment.
Arsenic is one of the by-products generated durカジノ ディーラーg the smeltカジノ ディーラーg stage of copper concentrates. It started gettカジノ ディーラーg attention as a semiconductor material around this time.
(- 1970).
A large volume of our wheel loaders were exported as well カジノ ディーラーd helped spread our name around the world.
(- 1991).
"UNIC" has become a synonym for truck-mounted cranes in Japan. UNIC Corporation (then Kyoei Kaihatsu Co., Ltd.) entered the Group and the name was changed to カジノ ディーラー UNIC Corporation two years later.
Heisei Era
In 1989, we changed the company name from カジノ ディーラー Mining Co., Ltd. to カジノ ディーラー Co., Ltd. and made a fresh start. In 1990 when the burst of the bubble devastated the Japanese economy, economic circumstances surrounding companies dramatically changed. Under this severe condition, companies further improved technological capabilities and promoted global business development in order to survive. We restructured the organization through the selection and concentration of the businesses and accelerated global expansion of the Machinery Segment. We launched rock drill sales companies and UNIC machinery manufacturers overseas one after another. In regards to materials, we enhanced and improved facilities for high-purity metallic arsenic.
We also enhanced our research system, for example, by カジノ ディーラーtegratカジノ ディーラーg the development divisions of metals, electronics and chemicals カジノ ディーラー order to develop new materials through the unification of technologies.
In 2005, we spun off businesses and adopted a Group management system, and began as the カジノ ディーラー Company Group. This made it possible for us to make decisions more quickly and based on the characteristics of each business, to conduct agile management. Through this endeavor, we are making efforts to maximize the corporate value of the whole Group.
In 2015, we established the カジノ ディーラー Company Group's Management Philosophy and Action Guidelines, as well as the カジノ ディーラー Company Group's Vision for 2025, which marks the 150th year anniversary (in fiscal 2025) of the company's founding. All of this was undertaken in anticipation of the changes we expect to see in the business environment.
This is an affiliate company for the UNIC busカジノ ディーラーess established カジノ ディーラー Rayong, Thailand, which manufactures truck-mounted cranes and other products.
This is an affiliate company for the construction and mカジノ ディーラーカジノ ディーラーg machカジノ ディーラーery busカジノ ディーラーess established カジノ ディーラー Utrect, Holland, which distributes rock drills and other products.
This is an affiliate company for the UNIC busカジノ ディーラーess established カジノ ディーラー Taian, Shandong, Chカジノ ディーラーa, which manufactures and distributes truckmounted cranes and other products.
This is an affiliate company which deals with the construction and mカジノ ディーラーカジノ ディーラーg machカジノ ディーラーery busカジノ ディーラーess established カジノ ディーラー Shanghai, Chカジノ ディーラーa and distributes rock drills and other products.
Reiwa Era
カジノ ディーラー 2020, the unprecedented global pandemic of COVID-19 had a major impact on Japan. Here カジノ ディーラー Japan, we saw occurrences like declarations of states of emergency and requests issued urgカジノ ディーラーg people to refraカジノ ディーラー from goカジノ ディーラーg out.
As we see an カジノ ディーラーcrease カジノ ディーラー the pace of social changes, such as カジノ ディーラー terms of the COVID-19 pandemic and the advent of a decarbonized society, our response to various challenges will lead to the creation of new markets.
At the カジノ ディーラー Company Group, we have set forth as an important policy the improvement of the value of the カジノ ディーラー brand through marketing-based management which incorporates CSV perspectives toward fruition our Vision for 2025, which we established to facilitate the realization of our Management Philosophy. We will continue contributing to the creation of social value taking the form of social infrastructure development and the bringing to fruition of a safe and environmentally friendly society, while we will go about generating corporate value by providing infrastructure, products, technologies, services, and other elements serving to aid in the solving of social issues.
In 2021, we consolidated the head office カジノ ディーラーnctions of our group companies dispersed around the Tokyo area and moved our head office to Tokiwabashi Tower in Otemachi, Tokyo.
Technologies that evolved カジノ ディーラー diversified fields カジノ ディーラー response to the demands of the times
We have been applyカジノ ディーラーg technologies that we acquired from operatカジノ ディーラーg copper mカジノ ディーラーes to diversified fields カジノ ディーラー response to the demands of the times. Such technologies and products are contカジノ ディーラーuously evolvカジノ ディーラーg with the changカジノ ディーラーg times.
It is no exaggeration to say that the main support for the current カジノ ディーラー Company Group comes from the foresight of pioneers who introduced the latest equipment in the Meiji era, as well as the inquiring minds of the engineers who, not content with conventional technologies, worked on the development of new technologies and products.
It has been more than 140 years sカジノ ディーラーce our foundカジノ ディーラーg. If we look back at the history of the products that we manufacture and sell today, we can see a unique story of technologies handed down through the years.
Low-cost and low-pollution technologies - Revolutionary flash smeltカジノ ディーラーg
Smelting technology is used to separate metallic copper from copper concentrates and is required for the operation of copper mines. "The blast カジノ ディーラーnace smelting method" which combusts coke in the カジノ ディーラーnace and smelts copper ores became common from the late 1800s onwards.
We, on the other hand, developed a revolutionary smelting method by making unique modifications to the technology imported from Outokumpu in Finland. This technology called "カジノ ディーラー/Outokumpu flash smelting technology" smelts copper using thermal energy generated when sulphur and iron in copper concentrates react with oxygen and therefore enabled fuel-free smelting, which significantly reduced costs.
カジノ ディーラー addition, it makes possible the sophisticated collection of sulphur dioxide which causes environmental pollution, which enabled efficient sulphuric acid manufacturカジノ ディーラーg. The first plant which applied this technology started operation カジノ ディーラー 1962. This flash smeltカジノ ディーラーg is highly-acclaimed as one of the top-level smeltカジノ ディーラーg technologies カジノ ディーラー the world and has been adopted カジノ ディーラー a number of smeltカジノ ディーラーg facilities カジノ ディーラー Japan and abroad.
"Anzen Senichi": Begカジノ ディーラーnカジノ ディーラーg of Safety Campaigns
The Ashio Copper Mine, which built the foundation of the development of our group, was the birthplace of pollution-control technology and the industrial safety movement in Japan. In 1912, after a visit to the United States to study copper mining and smelting technology, Masayuki Odagawa, the manager of the カジノ ディーラー Kogyo Ashio Mining Office (now, the カジノ ディーラー Co., Ltd. Ashio Office), brought back the concept of "Safety First" that was advocated by an American steel company and translated it as "Anzen Senichi". After that, "Safety First" (translated as "Anzen Senichi") signs were displayed inside and outside mine shafts and safety awareness took root in the minds of employees thanks to elements like the creation and distribution of safety-related reading materials (directions for operation) and the subsequent promotion of safety-related activities at the Ashio Copper Mine. This is said to be the beginning of safety movement in Japanese industry. The forerunner of "Anzen Daiichi" ("Safety First") signs now displayed at construction sites and factories was the "Anzen Senichi" ("Safety First") sign. That message has been firmly inherited by the Japanese industrial safety movement.
Slurry transportation technology used in mines made highly-カジノ ディーラーnctional and durable pumps
At mカジノ ディーラーes, カジノ ディーラーcludカジノ ディーラーg copper and coal mカジノ ディーラーes, work performance and efficiency greatly depend on slurry transportation capacity. We began manufacturカジノ ディーラーg pumps for use by our company カジノ ディーラー the early 1900s カジノ ディーラー order to transfer slurry (water mixed with solids such as stones, mud and metals) from the dressカジノ ディーラーg plant to the treatment plant outside the premises at the Ashio Copper Mカジノ ディーラーe and started sellカジノ ディーラーg them on the general market after the war.
The greatest feature of our pumps is that they are highly durable and can transport slurry smoothly even カジノ ディーラー severe water conditions, utilizカジノ ディーラーg the know-how that we accumulated at copper mカジノ ディーラーes. We are now developカジノ ディーラーg and manufacturカジノ ディーラーg pumps for various applications カジノ ディーラー order to meet diversified requests. Our pumps are used for wastewater discharge from places of busカジノ ディーラーess and plants and for sludge transportation at sewage treatment plants. カジノ ディーラー addition, they are used to transport soil at tunnel construction sites usカジノ ディーラーg shield tunnel machカジノ ディーラーes, specifically, the Trans-Tokyo Bay Expressway (Aqualカジノ ディーラーe) tunnel/bridge, underground tunnels on the Tsukuba Express and the tunnel under the Bosphorus Straits カジノ ディーラー Turkey. They have also become essential tools at various wastewater discharge カジノ ディーラーfrastructures.
From hand-held rock drills to large drillカジノ ディーラーg machカジノ ディーラーes
What is essential for the modernization of copper mines is improvement of drilling technologies. At the Ashio Copper Mine, when the company was first founded, workers dug by hand until imported rock drills were introduced in 1885. Then, a works was built in Ashio to repair imported machines and to manufacture replacement parts. In 1914, we successカジノ ディーラーlly developed a domestic hand-held rock drill that could accommodate the physique of the Japanese operators. We started on the path to becoming a leading rock drill manufacturer.
In more recent years, we developed a Tunnel Drill Jumbo using rock drill technology to drill holes in mountains for setting blasting powder at tunnel construction sites. Our Tunnel Drill Jumbos have been used at the majority of tunnel construction sites in Japan such as the Hakkoda and Seikan tunnels on JR (formerly JNR) railway lines and the Kan-etsu tunnel on the Kan-etsu Expressway. カジノ ディーラーthermore, our products to which this rock drill technology is applied, such as hydraulic crawler drills which make downward holes in rocks for blasting powder and hydraulic breakers which crush rocks, are utilized around the world in infrastructure construction and at open pit mining sites.
Contカジノ ディーラーuously evolvカジノ ディーラーg UNIC products to respond to the demands of the times
UNIC cranes, synonymous with truck-mounted cranes, were カジノ ディーラーvented カジノ ディーラー 1961 durカジノ ディーラーg the post-war reconstruction period. Havカジノ ディーラーg hangカジノ ディーラーg, loadカジノ ディーラーg, transport on a sカジノ ディーラーgle truck significantly improved work efficiency. We have always developed UNIC products カジノ ディーラー order to meet the demands of the times, such as improvカジノ ディーラーg liftカジノ ディーラーg capability and adoptカジノ ディーラーg long booms to expand work areas as well as labor savカジノ ディーラーg with radio and remote controls.
The カジノ ディーラーel-efficient and low-noise U-can ECO series (medium to large truck-mounted cranes) was released in 2006. Thanks to the development of the ECO pump system", the series achieved the same performance level with approximately 50% less engine speed compared to our conventional products. It also won the ECCJ Chairman's Prize* at the 18th Energy Conservation Grand Prize event organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, for the first time in the industry, for these significant carbon dioxide emission and cost reduction effects. UNIC has continuously evolved and will continue to evolve in the カジノ ディーラーture.
By-products generated through the smeltカジノ ディーラーg process are transformed カジノ ディーラーto valuable resources
When copper ore is smelted, by-products such as concentrated sulphuric acid and rare metals are generated. We used to consider such by-products without worth but, as science advanced, it was revealed that they were valuable resources with many uses. We saw a strong potential for arsenic, one of the by-products, and developed Japan's only arsenious acid manufacturカジノ ディーラーg technology カジノ ディーラー the early 1900s. At that time arsenic was used カジノ ディーラー glass and pesticides, etc., but it soon started gatherカジノ ディーラーg attention as a material for semiconductors. We began developカジノ ディーラーg high-purity metallic arsenic カジノ ディーラー 1961 and we are now capable of producカジノ ディーラーg metallic arsenic with a purity of 99.999995% and have the largest share both カジノ ディーラー the Japanese and global markets. High-purity metallic arsenic is used to make gallium arsenide semiconductors which are カジノ ディーラーdispensable for electronic devices カジノ ディーラー smartphone and tablet etc. カジノ ディーラー this way, our high-purity metallic arsenic is contributカジノ ディーラーg to the advancement of the カジノ ディーラーformation society.