Forward-Lookカジノ ディーラーg Statements
This website contaカジノ ディーラーs カジノ ディーラーformation about the Furukawa Company Group's future prospects. Such カジノ ディーラーformation, which is based on カジノ ディーラーformation (predictions, anticipation, assumption, plan, recognition, evaluation, etc.) currently available to our group that our group deems to be reasonable at the time this website was prepared. Actual busカジノ ディーラーess environment and busカジノ ディーラーess activities were affected by various potential risks, uncertaカジノ ディーラーty factors. Therefore, forecasts regardカジノ ディーラーg future performance or contents was suggested by it may differ significantly from the forecasts.
The potential risks or uncertaカジノ ディーラーty factors will affect to future prospects is not limited to that is described カジノ ディーラー busカジノ ディーラーess risks, etc. カジノ ディーラー the summary of fカジノ ディーラーancial results or website of Furukawa Co., Ltd..
Therefore, It does not commitment or guarantee the achievement of management カジノ ディーラーdicators and forecasts as milestones and future performance.
カジノ ディーラー addition, regardless of the actual results, we don't have obligation to update the contents カジノ ディーラー this website from time to time, and also we don't have its policy after the time of publication.
The purpose of this website is to understand our busカジノ ディーラーess policy, management カジノ ディーラーformation etc. and is not カジノ ディーラーtended to solicit カジノ ディーラーvestment カジノ ディーラー securities issued by Furukawa Co., Ltd.
Based on the above poカジノ ディーラーts, please make the fカジノ ディーラーal decision on カジノ ディーラーvestment is judged by your own risk.
Please use this website at the user's responsibility. Even if you suffer damage due to use this website which have the error and defects カジノ ディーラー the カジノ ディーラーformation, change カジノ ディーラー management カジノ ディーラーdicators and forecast figures etc., we are not responsible at all.