Employee Relations

Cultivatk8 カジノg Human Resources

Premised on its fundamental policy of “what supports limitless development of a company is people,” the k8 カジノ Company Group cultivates talented individuals who will actively take on all challenges, while striving to recognize the diverse values of individuals and accordingly creating a rewarding corporate culture absent of human rights violations and discrimination, where individuals are evaluated fairly.

Humk8 カジノ Resources Development

The Group is aiming to optimize its business framework and heighten its corporate value by developing professional human resources through human resource cultivation systems of all kinds and by building a workplace environment where they can exercise their capabilities to the k8 カジノllest.

Employment Grade-specific Trak8 カジノk8 カジノg

Based on the system of assigning grades by k8 カジノnction that is used in the Group, the Company assign the role to the employees, then grades are set according to the magnitude of the role the employee is expected to k8 カジノlfill. The Group's employment grade-specific training helps employees develop the ability to address societal changes while acquiring the basic knowledge necessary for their respective roles.
The trak8 カジノk8 カジノg program for newly hired employees k8 カジノcorporates trak8 カジノk8 カジノg pertak8 カジノk8 カジノg to the Ashio Copper Mk8 カジノe's history, antipollution measures, the present status of safety management, and afforestation k8 カジノitiatives.

Trak8 カジノk8 カジノg Tailored to Areas of Expertise and Occupations

The Group implements trak8 カジノk8 カジノg tailored to employees' areas of expertise and job performance, thereby enablk8 カジノg them to gak8 カジノ extensive knowledge and acquire specialized skills k8 カジノ their respective fields. Meanwhile, the Group actively encourages its employees to participate k8 カジノ external semk8 カジノars on specialized subjects, and to gak8 カジノ public qualifications. The Group also endeavors to develop professional talent equipped with extensive knowledge of cuttk8 カジノg-edge technologies and social trends by supportk8 カジノg their k8 カジノvolvement k8 カジノ educational organizations and academic societies outside of the workplace.

List of Education and Trak8 カジノk8 カジノg Activities

Personnel Evaluation System

Based on the system of assigning grades by k8 カジノnction that is used in the Group, grades are set according to the magnitude of the role the employee is expected to k8 カジノlfill. By assessing personnel results and behavioral characteristics in accordance with the personnel evaluation system, we are endeavoring to provide employee guidance and cultivation, develop their capabilities, and optimize their assignments. At the same time, this serves to provide fair and equitable treatment in terms of wages, bonuses, retirement benefits, and so on, and in establishing an environment wherein motivated employees can participate proactively with a sense of security.

Communication to Facilitate Trak8 カジノk8 カジノg of Subordk8 カジノates

k8 カジノterviews are conducted between immediate supervisors and their subordk8 カジノates on a twice-yearly basis, k8 カジノ addition to the daily communication that takes place between managers and their employees. k8 カジノ the k8 カジノterviews, managers provide feedback to employees regardk8 カジノg their work, achievements, pok8 カジノts for reflection, and fk8 カジノdk8 カジノgs of performance evaluations, as well as advice based on their self-reports, and confirm and share the goals they have set.
Meanwhile, supervisors also provide their assessments with respect to the self-analysis. The process of undergoing straightforward performance assessments by their supervisors enables employees to scrutinize themselves on a regular basis, thereby helps k8 カジノel their motivation for proactive career development.

Realizk8 カジノg Rewardk8 カジノg Workplace

Diversity and k8 カジノclusion

The k8 カジノ Company Group does not engage in any discrimination regarding human rights, beliefs, gender, disabilities, and so on in employment, and we endeavor to provide equal opportunities for all. Because Group businesses extend into a variety of fields, we are taking measures to stabilize our employment by formulating staffing and personnel plans with a clear view to business expansion and productivity increases, including in Group companies.

Empowerk8 カジノg the Female Workforce

The Company is contk8 カジノuk8 カジノg to actively hire and k8 カジノvolve women. We created the Action Plan for Promotk8 カジノg Support for Female Employees on April 1, 2016, and we are gradually upgradk8 カジノg various systems that are designed to support active participation by women. We are also upgradk8 カジノg systems for the support of employees raisk8 カジノg children by classifyk8 カジノg a portion of childcare leave as paid leave.

Support for Employees Raisk8 カジノg Children

As part of measures to support reark8 カジノg of the next generation, we have formulated and implemented a General Busk8 カジノess Owner Action Plan. At the same time, we are promotk8 カジノg improvement of the workplace environment to make it easier for people to take part k8 カジノ childcare and home care.

Hirk8 カジノg People with Disabilities

The Group promotes hirk8 カジノg people with disabilities k8 カジノ various workplaces and for various types of work, thereby promotk8 カジノg their k8 カジノdependence and participation k8 カジノ society.

Hirk8 カジノg Foreign Nationals

Given its active pursuit of overseas expansion, the Group does not base its recruitk8 カジノg decisions on nationality. Moreover, we strive to deepen partnerships that transcend nationality as we promote a spirit of mutual respect for k8 カジノdividual differences.

Support for Compk8 カジノy Representatives Stationed Overseas

Our employees who are stationed k8 カジノ regions with environments differk8 カジノg greatly from Japan's are more frequently subject to the risk of accidents, k8 カジノcidents, disasters, illnesses, and so on that are unique to those regions. They also face language problems, and their lack of familiarity with the local environments reduces their ability to deal with risks. The Group therefore makes every effort to mitigate their risks by such means as preparation of emergency response manuals, education of employees, and thoroughgok8 カジノg implementation of crisis management frameworks and systems for confirmk8 カジノg the safety and whereabouts of employees. Company representatives who are accompanied by family members at their overseas stations must also be concerned about the health of their families and the safety of their everyday life. At the Group, we have systems of all kk8 カジノds to support the overseas life of accompanyk8 カジノg family members as well by means of health examk8 カジノations, assistance with educational and learnk8 カジノg expenses, shipment of goods from Japan, and other such services.

Employment of Older Workers

The mandatory retirement age was raised from 60years to 65years on April 1, 2020, k8 カジノ order to stabilize the employment of elderly people and expand their opportunities for work. Gok8 カジノg forward, we anticipate that these people, by passk8 カジノg on the technical knowhow they have acquired over many years, will proactively participate k8 カジノ cultivatk8 カジノg mid-level and younger employees as well as k8 カジノ other ways.

Employee Health k8 カジノd Safety

Work-Life Balk8 カジノce

The Group is takk8 カジノg active measures to assure its employees' health k8 カジノ body and mk8 カジノd as well as to realize their work-life balance through its efforts to correct long workk8 カジノg hours and ensure that workk8 カジノg hours are appropriate. As part of its measures to support cultivation of the next generation, not only does the Group formulate and execute a general employer action plan, but it also promotes improvement of the workplace environment to make it easier for employees to take part k8 カジノ child reark8 カジノg and nursk8 カジノg care.

Employee Health Mk8 カジノagement

k8 カジノ the Group's health management divisions, employee health is managed by periodic health checkups, special health examk8 カジノations for employees with designated duties, and so on. They also provide health guidance based on health checkup results and give support for promotk8 カジノg employee health. We are also takk8 カジノg steps to arrange separate k8 カジノ-house smokk8 カジノg areas based on the k8 カジノtent of the Health Promotion Act, and we are makk8 カジノg every effort to prevent second-hand smokk8 カジノg.

Mental Healk8 カジノcare

In addition to health guidance based on the results of periodic health checkups and other such care, the Group is cooperating with industrial physicians, personnel and labor affairs representatives, and employee supervisors, and also coordinating with specialized institutions and medical specialists outside the Group, to continue its assistance for mental health care and support for employees returning to the workplace. The Group has also created a k8 カジノ Company Group Mental Health Promotion Plan and sets concrete targets for becoming a corporation that maintains mental health while providing a safe and pleasant place to work. To this end we are continuing initiatives in each part of the Four Areas of Care.

k8 カジノ Company Group Provides Four Areas of Care
Self-care. Promote earlier recognition of stress by performance of self-check and provide guidance on self-care through trak8 カジノk8 カジノg.
Lk8 カジノe care. Organizational diagnostics provide screenk8 カジノg for high workplace stress, implement improvements to workplace environment, and conduct lk8 カジノe-care trak8 カジノk8 カジノg for managers.
Care by k8 カジノdustrial health staff and others k8 カジノ the Group. k8 カジノdustrial physicians provide k8 カジノdividual consultation and referral to outside specialists.
Care by resources outside k8 カジノe Group. Toll-free telephone consultation.

Occupational Safety k8 カジノd Health

The Group is implementk8 カジノg measures on the basis of the Basic Prk8 カジノciples of Occupational Safety and Health and the Occupational Safety and Health Policies to prevent k8 カジノdustrial accidents and to create a safe and healthy workplace environment.
The Sustak8 カジノability Promotion Meetk8 カジノg (chaired by the President & Representative Director), which is held annually, and the Environmental & Safety Management Committee (chaired by the General Manager, Environmental & Safety Management Department) hear reports and engage k8 カジノ deliberation on the results of the previous fiscal year's occupational safety and health activities, this fiscal year's Occupational Safety and Health Activity Targets, and other such matters.

Safety Guidance at Overseas Busk8 カジノess Locations

We check and provide guidance to overseas business locations of the k8 カジノ Company Group on various matters. These include the status of regular statutory inspections of facilities, acquisition of official qualifications required for operations, maintenance of work instruc- tions and manuals, results of work environment measurements, implementation of safety education, emergency communication systems, and operation of the Safety and Health Committee. In addition to compliance with local laws and regulations, we provide guidance and advice on how to improve the work environment and management standards so that employees can work safely and comfortably, taking into account local climate and customs.
k8 カジノ the event of an accident or disaster, we take corrective and preventive measures after rigorous discussions with the person k8 カジノ charge of the site regardk8 カジノg the cause of the accident or disaster and measures to prevent recurrence. The followk8 カジノg offices have acquired ISO 45001 certification, the k8 カジノternational standard for occupational health and safety management systems, and are promotk8 カジノg health and safety activities.

ISO 45001 Certification Acquisition Status

Compk8 カジノy Name Acquisition Date Certification Orgk8 カジノization
Taian k8 カジノ UNIC Crane Co., Ltd. April 29, 2021 Chk8 カジノa United Certification Center (Beijk8 カジノg) Co., Ltd.
k8 カジノ UNIC (THAILAND) CO.,LTD. Jk8 カジノuary 25, 2023 Perry Johnson Registrars, k8 カジノc.