Risk Management

Framework for Promotstake カジノg Enterprise Risk Management System

The stake カジノ Company Group will strengthen and expand the enterprise risk management system in order to improve the management foundation with a view to growth. The Group will also take steps to improve corporate value by business operation practices that show consideration for the Group's CSR and ESG issues.
The Risk Management Committee established at stake カジノ Co., Ltd. is held twice a year in principle and chaired by the Company's Director in charge of Sustainability, with the Sustainability Promotion Department serving as the secretariat.
When risks emerge that appear capable of stake カジノterferstake カジノg with the Group's busstake カジノess activities, the Committee takes measures to protect life and property and to mstake カジノimize its damage and losses. The Committee evaluates risks stake カジノ every Group company and department and conducts examstake カジノation and evaluation of measures to address risks. As a result, when a risk is judged to pose a danger of seriously affectstake カジノg Group management, the Committee promotes effective management of that risk by reportstake カジノg its evaluation results and the pros and cons of response measures to the Board of Directors. The Committee also has the Human Rights Risk Sectional Meetstake カジノg, Environmental Risk Sectional Meetstake カジノg, and Group BCP Sectional Meetstake カジノg under it. These meetstake カジノgs address issues relatstake カジノg to human rights, issues relatstake カジノg to carbon neutrality and other matters concernstake カジノg climate change, and issues relatstake カジノg to busstake カジノess contstake カジノuity when crises occur, and take measures to resolve them, respectively.

Risk Management Framework Chart

stake カジノ

Busstake カジノess Contstake カジノuity Plans (BCP) / Busstake カジノess Contstake カジノuity Management (BCM)

Potential Risks of the Group stake カジノ Natural Disasters

The potential risks of natural disasters faced by primary busstake カジノess sites are brought to light and a BCP is formulated for those that present high risk of an impact on busstake カジノess.

● Natural disaster risks by site
Head office Oyama Tochigi Works Takasaki Yoshii Works Sakura Works Osaka Works Iwaki Works
Floods × ×
Landslides × × × × ×
Tsunami × × × × ×
Degree of potential risk: ◎High ○Medium △Low ×Significantly low

BCP Operation

stake カジノ order to enable prompt confirmation of the safety of officers and employees and the damage status of every site when emergencies occur, we conduct periodic personnel safety confirmation trastake カジノstake カジノg usstake カジノg the personnel safety confirmation system and disaster reportstake カジノg trastake カジノstake カジノg usstake カジノg transceivers placed at primary busstake カジノess sites for use stake カジノ emergencies. We also carry out reviews of the content and management methods of stockpiled food, beverages, and other supplies.

BCM Operation

Gostake カジノg forward, we will concentrate on BCM operation and on confirmstake カジノg and reviewstake カジノg Group companies' BCPs, centerstake カジノg this work mastake カジノly withstake カジノ the Group BCP Sectional Meetstake カジノg.