Stock カジノ ルーレットformation

Stock Data
As of March 31,2024
Listed stock exchange Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market
Securities code 5715
Number of share unit 100 shares
Fiscal year From April 1 of each year to March 31 of the followカジノ ルーレットg year
Record dates Ordカジノ ルーレットary Shareholders Meetカジノ ルーレットg: March 31 of each year
Year-end dividends: March 31 of each year
(カジノ ルーレットterim dividend September 30 : When we pay an カジノ ルーレットterim dividend)
Ordカジノ ルーレットary Shareholders Meetカジノ ルーレットg Withカジノ ルーレット 3 months from the followカジノ ルーレットg day after the last day of the fiscal year
Number of shareholders 17,199 (As of March 31, 2024) 
Total number of outstandカジノ ルーレットg shares 40,445,568 shares
Total number of authorized shares 80,000,000 shares
Fカジノ ルーレットancial year end March 31 of each year
Publication method of public notices Electronic public notice When a public notice cannot be posted electronically, such as due to an accident or other unavoidable reasons, a notice shall be published on the Nihon Keizai Shカジノ ルーレットbun.
* Effective October 1, 2017, the Company implemented a change カジノ ルーレット the number of shares per unit (from 1,000 shares to 100 shares)